Hi Everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. We've been out for a long walk in the woods today, the human got some great photo's which she'll put on here later in the week but I really MUST tell you about two new friends I made today. First of all we were furtling about minding our own business when a Cocker Spaniel Pupster came racing round the corner and jumped straight on top of Louis, who retorted in his usual fashion by barking in his face - same old story. This pup was called Jack so we stopped and had a chat for a bit:
This Jack with me, Dexter, he's only 7 months so he's a big lad and very playful |
We'd only continued on through the next field and we met a Miniature Schnauzer Puppy, he is about 5 months and called Wilf, what a great name. He again decided to jump on top of Louis and got the same treatment as Jack - Louis is fine as long as other dogs respect his space - these lovely pups haven't learned yet who they can and can't jump on top of! Here's me with Wilf, Louis was sticking close to the human 'supervising' this time.
Hello, what's your name then Pupster? |
Right, get ready 'cos any minute now we have to jump on each other! |
Wilf, the playful puppy. |
So, it was a fun morning all round, have a great day everyone, don't forget the 'Picnic in the Bark' coming up soon, it's gonna be great fun (button on blog on the left of page)
Love Dex and Lou x
WOW!! Looks like you did have a good time with your new friends!!
Aw, nice to meet some new friends! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics!
Lovely pictures. I'm glad you had fun even if the pups were a bit annoying.They'll learn.
Love and licks, Winnie
It's always fun to meet new friends, but being jumped on isn't so good. Tsar like everyone to respect his space, so he understand how Louis feels.
Thanks for coming to visit us.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
That looks like lots of fun!!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
It's funny they both jumped on Louis. Bella is like that, she wants to launch into a game of bitey face straight away with no 'how do you do'. We love meeting other dogs on our walks. Hope you run into them again.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
OH what a grrrrreat time you had!! I wish I could have been there with you!!!
See you at the Picnic though!!
Those yunguns has no respects fur their elders, I tell you. My sisses and I used to has to tune up the fosters when they would pounce on us. We is not that kind of gurls! Well, until we get to know you better then let the bitey face games begin!
It is always fun to meet new friends. However, I must agree with Louis, youngsters must learn to respect personal space!
Your pal, Pip
Woos that sure looks like you both had a Grrreaat time!
woos, Tessa
It's a tribute to you that you make new friends so easily and be a mentor to those youngin's who are still learning the ropes!
I hope you have a good week!!
You had a great time on your walk and meeting new friends makes it all the better.
Bambi and I didn't usually meet any new dogs on our walk. We walked in the woods around home and there isn't any one around here but us. We met some wild animals every once in awhile tho!!
Fun days.
Thanks for your visit!!
xx, Fern
It's fun meeting other pups, isn't it? I wanted to let you both know that I passed an award on to you and your blog! My post about it is here: http://oscarthepooch.blogspot.com/2011/06/inspirational-blogs.html
Sure you had a great time meeting your new friends!
I wish I could find some friends here while I am out in my walkies! Hmmm...
Kisses and hugs
Louis must be wearing some special perfume...so popular getting jumped on....:) Dexter, did you know grey is my favorite color?? Because I have grey hair!
I take my pups for walks but they don't usually make any friends. Chico barks at everything that moves and Shiver is very shy.
Looks like you had a wonderful time with your new friends!
I love to meet new friends too but there aren't many doggies in my neighbourhood. I've lots of kitty neighbours but you know that I don't like them at all.
That's so much fun when you can meet your new friends and play with them. So glad that you had a wonderful time with your friends.
I love to meet new friends too on my walks but Kaska's not so keen now especially if they jump on him when he's in his wheels. Congratulations on your award - well deserved :-) - love from Magic xx
Meeting new friends is the best!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What fun you all had! Louis you're a riot! BOL! Wif is such a great name fur sure!
Waggin at ya,
You Schnauzers do what us Welshie do, try to hug and kiss, I know this cus I had a girl schnauzer come up to me the other day, she wouldn't stop kissing me!! mom thought it was funny, she was just to full on, you will see it on a post soon
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
Hi Y'all!
Followed y'all back!
What a fun time y'all had with your new friends!
Y'all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Woof, so glad you entered the flower show. I can't wait till the picnic in the Bark. ~Fenris
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