We've been looking forward to this big blogville event, there are so many things going on which you can find out about at Frankie Furter or Sarge's blog. We have these delicious fishes wrapped in chicken to take with us, they are our special treat. We're helping out at Pip's place but will also have to visit all the events going on across Blogville to help Charlie with his vets costs.
Right, everything's packed, she's calling us to go so see you there! Dex and Lou xxx
PS, we should have said before that there is sound on this video just in case like our human you have yours on mute :-)
OMD OMD... those Fishy treats look DELICIOUS.. I suppose the cats will be lined up 87 deep to get those thingys... I hope I at least get to SNIFF one!!
GRRRRREAT videos... See you two in a bit... I'm gonna be over by the Ampitheater and the Bounce House... fur a bit.
Hey Dexter & Louis! Wow, those fishie thingies look fabo! I can't wait to roll on one, then eat it!! Smelly and tasty too. Great zoomies! Grr and Woof, Sarge, COP
Thank you Mr Pip, we could use your help to find the missing Jug of Somerset Scrumpy (cider) - we left it around the back to cool and we're not sure but think there may have been some felines sniffing around? x
So sorry Suka, we have been off nosing around the other events so we left our post temporarily - one beer coming right up, don't forget to have some chicken while it's still going, we have another treat for tomorrow ;-) D & L xxx
oh what a pawsome idea with those chicken wrapped fishies. Nom to the max on those.
Hey anyone seen Puddles?? Last time I saw here she was leaving the Jumpy and then Frankie said somepup peed. But I wanted to learn how to drink beer from Puddles, she is the champ you know.
Oh my dawg this is such a fun picnic! And you two are doing a bang-up job handling the bar! I hope the kitty cats have not been causing you trouble since you carded them.
I was at Oskar's bug house and saw the moth you submitted. Very cool! :-> Very big, too!
O.K., I think I will have another drink. This time, make it a triple. BOL!
Woof! Woof! Oh! My! ... I see the fish eyes. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
No wonner you guys woz at the picnic furst - it is not the You Kay time, it be the super fast running to get there speedy quick!
I will have one of your special dogtinis on the double. I am a little stressed - someone has stolen my brats!
Your pal, Pip
P.S.: How about bringing a couple of those fishy things over to my place.
MEOWZA!!!!!!!!!!! Look at those fishies wrapped in chicken........
Loved your video, and we hope to see you at some of the events.
Oh dear, I'm drooling now!
~ Eva
OMD OMD... those Fishy treats look DELICIOUS.. I suppose the cats will be lined up 87 deep to get those thingys... I hope I at least get to SNIFF one!!
GRRRRREAT videos... See you two in a bit... I'm gonna be over by the Ampitheater and the Bounce House... fur a bit.
Hey Dexter & Louis!
Wow, those fishie thingies look fabo! I can't wait to roll on one, then eat it!! Smelly and tasty too. Great zoomies!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I don't know if I could eat those fishies looking at me....I'm just sayin'....
Gosh, the line is long at the bar! I hope you guys are OK back there. Let me know if you need a paw. More brats (like sausages) are on their way!
Thank you Mr Pip, we could use your help to find the missing Jug of Somerset Scrumpy (cider) - we left it around the back to cool and we're not sure but think there may have been some felines sniffing around? x
Love the video!!! Have fun!!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
I am pretty sure my sister Rosie and her kitty thug friends ran off with that cider! I don't think they will get very far ...
hey Dexter and Louis,
BOL! Great video! You pups were sure running fast! I have been looking for you two - I need a beer! And make that a double!
Oh, I heard you were carding cats. Good job!! I heard they can't hold their alcohol.
p.s. Fish wrapped in chicken?! Never heard of it, but looks tasty to me! :->
So sorry Suka, we have been off nosing around the other events so we left our post temporarily - one beer coming right up, don't forget to have some chicken while it's still going, we have another treat for tomorrow ;-) D & L xxx
Oh my! Those fishies sure do look yummy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Little fishies?! Wrapped in chicken?! My mouth says yes, but my mommy says grossss!
Woofs & hugs,
Sounds like it is going to be so much fun. have a great time!
oh what a pawsome idea with those chicken wrapped fishies. Nom to the max on those.
Hey anyone seen Puddles?? Last time I saw here she was leaving the Jumpy and then Frankie said somepup peed. But I wanted to learn how to drink beer from Puddles, she is the champ you know.
Hey Puddlessssss....
Off to Pawty More! Tessa
Fish in chicken....BRILLIANT.
See you there!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Can I have one of those fishies.. please?
Hey save me some of them, see you at the bark
Oh those chicken wrapped fishies look NOMMY! Droolin here ;P
See you at the Bark! :D
Waggin at ya,
hey Dexter and Louis,
Oh my dawg this is such a fun picnic! And you two are doing a bang-up job handling the bar! I hope the kitty cats have not been causing you trouble since you carded them.
I was at Oskar's bug house and saw the moth you submitted. Very cool! :-> Very big, too!
O.K., I think I will have another drink. This time, make it a triple. BOL!
Those do look quite tasty, even if they are looking at me.
Nubbin wiggles,
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