Hi all, our human friend Heather has had a visitor. She has been looking after a dog called Coco, she hadn't been on holiday with them before so we asked her along to tell us about her adventure.
Hello Everyone, CoCo here and I am an 11 year old 3/4 French Poodle and 1/4 French Bulldog.
Louis and Dexter have asked me to drop by and share with you all 'What I did on my holidays!'
This is me, Coco |
2 weeks ago the humans dropped me off with the nice doggy sitter people who had volunteered to look after me when they went on holiday to Turkey. I had waved my humans off early in the morning and I was a little upset and I started to feel a little sorry for my self.
However, this wasn't going to last because little did I know the Doggy Sitters had lots of things planned and lots of new places they wanted to take me.
After half an hour of sniffing around my new surroundings I checked that the humans had packed all my comforters and put them in my basket, two blankets, 3 rugs, 2 rubber bones and my orange discus. I had already noted that my favourite biscuits had been handed over - so I wasn't going to go hungry, didn't need to worry because they did remember to feed me… and I did hover up they delicious food they carelessly left lying around.
New places to play, they'll have to be fitter to keep up with me! |
Once we had all got used to each other we loved spending time together. Playing with the Frisbee is the bestest game ever!
The bestest game ever! |
Every day they took me work so I wouldn't be lonely and I made sure all my paraphernalia came with me. They work in an office on a farm, so at lunch-times and break-times I had great fun going on walks across the fields.
After a few days I really needed ( I didn't say wanted) a bath. Here I am looking a little sorry for myself, I had a lovely blow dry after this which made up for all the water.
Would you please stop taking photo's, can a girl get no privacy around here?! |
The best thing of all was all the long walks and the play times in the park. My sturdy limbs did not succumb to any injury and I felt as fit as a flea by the end of the two weeks- just a little tired, but I'm not letting on because I want to do it all again next year.
Thanks Coco, that was great, what a fun holiday to have, maybe ours can go away and we can come and stay!! ;-) We hope we're looking as good as you when we're 11. Dex & Lou x