Morning all and it's Sarge's Peeps on Parade weekend, and if Sarge says do it, then we do it! Anyone who hasn't joined in yet can get the info by clicking here: Sarge's Blog. We're hoping he'll notice what obedient little chaps we are and sign us up to the Blogville Force.
We interviewed her and this is what we found out:
Right question 1, what does your Peep do for a living? She would love to say she is a Rocket Scientist, or that she single handedly discovered a cure for a terrible disease but the truth is she has always worked in Accounts Admin, in other words she said she gets to do all the jobs no-one else wants to do. It does however satisy her compulsion to create spreadsheets and she is often heard saying, "I feel a spreadsheet coming on"! This is 'She who must be obeyed', it's not a new photo as she hides from the camera but this was when Dex was a pupster:
Question 2, what do we like to do with our Peeps? Well snuggling has to be pretty high on the list but top of the list has to be going out for walks, the highlight of our day, sometimes she does something called 'training' with us when we're out which is okay but it does interrupt our furtling about somewhat!
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Training in the fields |
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This is one of the bags she made when she should have been playing with us! |
Next question is something serious and special about our peep, she didn't want to answer that one, she does hope she makes a good and loyal friend and we can vouch for that, she is our best friend after all. She was very poorly a year ago and had to have lots of horrible treatment which made her very sick. She says her wonderful friends got her through a very bad time and she is so thankful for them.
There are too many funny things to mention about her, she is always doing funny things, she trips up - A LOT -, she forgets peoples names, she drops things. She has more embarassing moments than she can bear to remember, the one that always springs to mind is when she was compering a dog display for a group of deaf children. She had an interpreter stood next to her doing sign language, she was very nervous and the first thing she did was pick up the microphone, tap it and say "Can everybody hear me?" - oh, dear...she didn't live that one down for ages.
There are too many funny things to mention about her, she is always doing funny things, she trips up - A LOT -, she forgets peoples names, she drops things. She has more embarassing moments than she can bear to remember, the one that always springs to mind is when she was compering a dog display for a group of deaf children. She had an interpreter stood next to her doing sign language, she was very nervous and the first thing she did was pick up the microphone, tap it and say "Can everybody hear me?" - oh, dear...she didn't live that one down for ages.
We do also have a Man Peep who does loads of walking with us, but he doesn't get involved in Blogville but we've included a picture as he is a huge part of our lives:
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In the park with our Man Peep - we walk for miles with him |
Well, we hope that has told you a bit about our Peeps, we're not quite there with the human training but they're coming on great and we wouldn't be without them now :-) love Dexter & Louis x
That's a great idea of introducing your peeps to us. Your pawrents sound so interesting and your mom seems very creative and good at crafts. How nice to have your dad who loves walking with you too!
Holy moly, it do sound like her has the same job as my mom. Efurrything nobuddy else wants to do gets dumped on mom then she has to figger it out in a spreasheet. So, I wonner, why did they has a micophone there to begin with? Can't rilly blame your mom fur that - like you sayed, "when we run off and chew her cotton reels - well...don't leave it there for us to play with is our answer!" I do think the same priciples do apply in that situashun but I is still BOLing ofur it.
Hey Dexter & Louis!
Wow, I'm so glad you pawticipated in my event! This is a super fun post. My mom says to tell your mom that "excel rules" whatever that means. Something about those spreadsheets. Anyway, the pic are great and I bet you have wonderful walkies and cuddles. Thanks for letting us all learn more about your hu-pack.
BTW: Love the microphone chuckle...ask Frankie sometime about his mom's blender speech! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
It was such fun meeting your peeps!!!!!!
Our mama says cheers to your mom....nothing like a good glass of wine....except for us four legged darlins, of course!!!!!!!!!
Hi Dex and Louis,
So happy to meet you and what a great day to meet you on Peeps on Parade!!! I will have to try to get that done before the Memorial Day week-end is over. I have other friends in the UK and last October my Hubby went to London for hernia surgery b/c it is a lot cheaper their than in the states. He is very happy with the whole experience!!!
I love new friends!!
XX, Bambi(dog) & Fern(her Mom- me)
You have a very nice family!!
Jazzi and Addy
Cute bag too!!
I loved this post!! Being still kind of new friends, it's great to get to know the peeps in your world just a bit better!!
I hope you're all having a good weekend!!
Hey friends!
First, I am sure glad your mom is healthy again! I love your mom's line about feeling a spreadsheet coming on. My mom is not much of a numbers/details person, but she has recently discovered the joy of spreadsheets! She kind of likes them though she doesn't admit this because it might ruin her image as a space cadet! Just kidding!
I sure like your mom's bag. My mom can't sew to save her life so she is always impressed by people who can!
Your pal, Pip
We learned even more about you guys and your peeps! Your mom's bag is just gorgeous!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Great story about your peeps....and we agree they're very hard to train.
Sounds like there's something interesting always happening around there.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Nice to learn so many great things about your peep. We are trying to get the Momster to let us do a peeps on parade post too, but she is so stubborn. We are so sorry to learn that your MOm was so sick, but we are happy to hear she had such a great group of supporters to help her through it.
When it is all said and done, we pups are very lucky to have the peeps we do. Our lives could be so much different and not necessarily in a good way.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Great post you guys! It was nice to learn more about your peeps! They sound like wonderful people!
hey Dexter and Louis,
What a wonderful post! You have a beautiful family! The photo of your mom with puppy Dexter is so cute! Your mom sounds like so much fun, no wonder you pups love being around her all the time! Her microphone gaffe was a very funny story. And her bag is very pretty, so she is obviously very talented.
You dad peep looks very cool! So happy your shared your peeps with us! And we are very happy that your mom is well now.
I am still trying to convince my human to join in the fun. She said she is thinking about it. Paws crossed!
Thanks for sharing your Peeps with us!
Your mom sure does lots of interesting things!
Not so sure about that thing of the numbers and spreadsheets....
My mom is in love with that bag she made! She is very talented!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for sharing with us. You have a great family. :)
Hi D and L!!
Your mom sounds delightful!! Tell her that my mom can never remember any people's names either, but she always remembers the names of their dogs...priorities, I say!! BOL
It was lovely to learn more about your peeps. The LOTH says that being as she's only just done Coffee With A Canine and other stuff she thinks people have heard enough about her for now - and I agree. This is supposed to be MY BLOG YOU KNOW!
(She did say to tell you that she's never seen anyone write the word "furtling" down before....but it's a word her mum's family have always used and most people don't know what it means!)
Love and licks, Winnie
It was great to learn about your peeps -- thanks for sharing stuff with us!
Happy holiday woofs & hugs,
How grand to meet your peeps! I hope you get lots of good furtling in this weekend!
Nubbin wiggles,
Hey D & L,
Thanks for sharing about your family with us. you mom sure is a fun and creative person. My mommy loved that bag, it's so pretty :)
Your dad sounds like a cool person too and glad to hear that you all enjoy the long "guys walk" ^^
Love ya,
Jon Terry
Thanks for sharing about your Peeps and for visiting my blog. My mom saw photo of the bag your SHE Peep made & she says it's so pretty! Also, I've added your blog url to my Google Reader feeds (so you won't find me under your followers' list).
Really enjoyed learning more about your Peeps! :)
So glad to get to know your peeps. You have really great peeps! Our peep wants to say she loves that bag.
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