Hello friends! We were going to have a guest blogger today, our friend Henry who lives in Weymouth but he's been a bit busy out enjoying the sunshine so hopefully he'll drop by tomorrow.
I had a scary moment yesterday...the human found a tick on me...dis-gus-ting! If we could rid the world of one creature it would be a tick, what useful purpose do they serve? I'm not too happy as I put up with being Frontlined just to avoid these pesky things and I still get one! grrrrrrr...
Which means more of this - the dreaded BATH word after they've removed said monster! Plus... what is this obsession of taking photo's every time we're in a less than macho pose?
Step AWAY from the camera - now!! |
She thinks I must have picked it up when we were out in the woods furtling. Anyway, the human said to say that in case your tick remover is too big, which ours was, then a neat drop of Frontline on the tick soon stops it in it's tracks - and good riddance. It fell off during the night, still haven't found it but I'll keep looking!
Our human said to mention that some other remedies for ticks are Eucalyptus oil (a little on a cotton bud straight onto the monster) Vaseline put on one also kills it and it should fall off, also if you coat them with vegetable oil then twist off anti-clockwise that's said to work. As our human is of the squeamish variety she doesn't go for this option!
Any of you peeps have any tick horror stories? Hope you're managing to avoid them however there is a new European tick causing probs over here so be on the lookout! Bye for now, Dexter xxx
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Get those Ticks on the run... |
Our human said to mention that some other remedies for ticks are Eucalyptus oil (a little on a cotton bud straight onto the monster) Vaseline put on one also kills it and it should fall off, also if you coat them with vegetable oil then twist off anti-clockwise that's said to work. As our human is of the squeamish variety she doesn't go for this option!
You be very careful!! Last year Digby (Wilf's brother) died from a tick.
If you don't know Wilf go to wilfanddigby.blogspot.com. It's a treat.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We hate ticks as much as you do! What purpose do that serve - yucky little critters! grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
My mum don't do bugs...ticks, fleas, ants, flies, etc!
Ticks is nasty! I am so sorry you had one. Hopefully it is deader than a door nail nows. It must be hard to find them in all your hairs too.
My mum found one on Sissy Whitney da others day...yea, mum screamed like a little girl...luckily it wasn't attached, just attempting to get through da hair furst.
I saw on a blog there is a TickLasso...is dat what ya'll use?
We hate those pest. It freaks our humans out whenever she sees one on us.
You knows, that Frontline not be werking so good any mores. (We has heard lots of peeples and V-E-Ts say that too.) With all the hiking I do in the woods mom used to keep Frontline on me ALWAYS and gess wot? Last year I got LYME DISEASE and you get that from TICKS so the Frontline woz letting the ticks put the bitey on me and not making them ded! Luckily I woz treated with anty bionics and the disease went away but I can get it again. We switched to K9 Advantix and it is supposed to repel ticks but in Furginia mom pulled a gazillion (well, about 10) ticks off of me. At least they woz all ded so the K9 Advantix did kill them but they woz still stucked on me with their teefs. EEEEEEEEK!
I use Frontline... and so far... no ticks have lived long enough to ever Swell... butt I am gonna ask my Dogtor about this Advantix stuffs fur Next year...
I know that Frontline does NOT repel the ticks... butt kills them after they are attached and drinking our...
Well, I'm just sayin.
My human also disovered two ticks today, luckily before they did bite me!!! I hate those bastards!!!
Oh that's no fun at all!
And we like to see your "softer side" on occasion. :)
I like using this on ticks:
I saw it at the vet's office a few years back, and it works like a charm.
Thanks for all your advice and tick tips :-) Thanks Daisy and Shawnee for telling us about the dangers - we knew they were trouble but that's worse than we thought, D & L xxx
OMD Dex that is just terrible!!!!
I hates ticks! Mom can usually see them if they are on me cause I is so white and they is devil standoutish ugly! BOL
My Mom says that she has used the Original "Ticked Off" for like 87 years and it has never failed. It is like a spoon and always gets the head out. She got is at Amazon for like 2 US dollars, very cheap.
Advantix does seem to work better but the ticks still have to bite!
I knows you hates your pic taken but you sure do look like a cutie pie to me!
woo woos, Tessa
We hate ticks, too! I've pulled so many off of me and the dogs over the years that they don't freak me out when I see them, but I do have a permanent case of the heebie-jeebies from March to October. I swear, I pull more of them off of me than I do off the pups. My pups are all on Frontline Plus, and it seems to work fairly well. I put them on K9 Advantix once a couple of years ago, and they were covered in ticks within a couple of days. So I stick with the FP. This year, I'm also trying Bug Off Garlic tabs for the pups, and odorless garlic capsules for myself. I'm hoping they'll help repel at least some of the ticks and mosquitoes...
Yuck! Ticks are gross! I think the bath was worth it!
I don't like ticks either and mom is itching all over now just at your story about one.
That's a great PSA, Dexter. Sorry about the nasty tick and the followup bath. Mom is always checking us for those nasty buggers too and that is not an easy task with our thick coats. We use Vectra now that our vet stopped carrying Frontline. We hear this could be a bad year for ticks, so best to be alert for them.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Ticks ~ good post because 'tis the season for nasty pests.
Stay vigilant and tick-free!
We hate ticks worst than we hate snakes!!! Our last dog got Lyme Disease when he was just a puppy from a horrible tick and then mom got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from one!! They are the very worst. The news last week said we are having a worst problem than ever with those wicked things. Be gone ticks...forever!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
One of our dogs, CarrieAnne, when she came into the rescue, I picked her up from the shelter and she was COVERED head to tail in ticks that were in all life stages of life--It was horrible! They were even down in her ears....awful, and really disgusting...She's been treated for tick borne illnesses in the past and this year she tested a 'positive' for another one and we treated her again, just in case it was a 'new' exposure. You have to take ticks seriously....
I live in the city and we don't have problems with ticks around here. When we visit the woods, I always use Frontline just to be safe. A few summers ago we spent a week up in the woods. About two weeks after we got home my papa got REALLY SICK. It turns out it was Lyme Disease from a Tick! We never saw the tick and by the time he was sick it was long gone! YUCK!
Your pal, Pip
No ticks here. But I know that if my mom ever finds one... she will be screaming like crazy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Eeeekk...i hate ticks too and mommy she just goes crazy when she sees them. That's one of the reason mommy doesn't let me go play on the grass often. If i'm going there, mommy would spray diluted apple cider vinegar on my body, making me smell all sourish..yish!!! She read it somewhere that it helps to repel ticks.
Love ya,
Jon Terry
I never had a tick,, but my mommy had one on her a month ago.
It was scary. She did not know what it was until she pulled it out and it was ALIVE! Yuck.
I hope you keep feeling okay and do not get sicky.
Ewww, ticks!!! I don't like ticks at all. They're blood suckers and make us sick.I think the warm weather is the breeding grounds of them too. Sigh!!! but we need sunshine and flowers too.
My mom gives me Frontline Combo... so far so good!
Hope you're feeling better now.
Don't like ticks!
OOOH, ticks sound awful! I hope Nala and I never get any!
Hope you're doing OK!
Happy woofs & weekend hugs,
what a horrible and degrading experience for you. Glad it all worked out but yes, why do the humans like to capture us when we're looking less than fantastic and they think it's so cute.
Gidget, Rosie and Lola
Woof! Woof! Golden HELLO! Golden thanks for visiting my blog n becoming a blog follower. Be safe. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I've heard that you can take some antibacterial soap and put it on a cotton ball and the tick will back out and get stuck on the cotton ball? Luckily we haven't had to try that yet.
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