Wednesday 27 April 2011

Where we live.

Hi Everyone, Dexter here,  it's been so much fun reading about all our new friends, we have heard from dogs from all over the world, it's amazing! We thought we'd tell you and show you a little about where we live and would love to know where you all come from.
At the entrance to the park - hurry up!!!!
I was born in a town called Weston-super-Mare in Somerset, UK and Louis was born in a town called Shaftesbury, when we were old enough we came to live with our humans a few miles from Bath and Bristol. We are lucky to be close to the countryside so get plenty of good walks but occasionally get to go to Bath, where they have a fantastic park called Royal Victoria Park. 
The park is really old, my human said I must give a bit of boring history that it was opened in 1830 by Queen Victoria when she was 11 years old - did she have a dog though? That's a much more interesting piece of information! There is lots to explore in the park, you don't know where to look first, I spotted this little squirrel munching away but it shot up a tree so fast as soon as I tried to chase it!
Spot the Squirrel!
There are lots of places to walk around, the human always wants to walk along The Royal Crescent which is in the park, they use this for a lot of films, I keep suggesting that Louis and I would make a great couple of extras but she hasn't taken us along yet! I think we'd make a brilliant couple of lap dogs in a Jane Austen novel don't you? 
Never mind the buildings, look at all that grass to play on!
This is me walking through The Crescent, our human says she'll have an apartment here when they win the lottery whatever that is.
Enough of the buildings - I need to get back in!!
There is one word of warning I should give other dogs about this park. Very often these huge things with people in fall out of the sky. It is our job to alert everyone to these so you really must bark as loud a you can when you see one to get everyone out of the way. This one landed just feet from us and I told them off in no uncertain terms, this is the 'thing':
This is the very noisy 'thing' to be avoided at all costs!
There are 57 acres to explore so it's a busy time for a miniature schnauzer, it's often quite busy but you can find quiet areas, on the other hand it's nice to meet people and other dogs sometimes, another plus is the amount of bread left around for the ducks, if you're quick enough you can get some before the human spots you - that's quite yummy, here we are heading off to do some more exploring:
Quick, quick...I think I spotted the Squirrel, this way...hurry!
I hope you enjoyed our little tour around Victoria Park, we'll show you some more places around us in weeks to come, I'll let Louis get a look in next time...maybe. Would love to know where you all live, or is that being nosey? Have a good day everyone, Dex & Louis x


Isaac the wonder schnauzer said...

What an excellent Park, Dexter. In my local Park (a lot less acres, still a lot of things to sniff and bark at, no worries) I don't see squirrels too often. Plenty of birds though but the squirrels must have put the word out. Get moving if a schnauzer comes your way. Is not fair and they are cheating. We don't have wings and can't climb trees!

3 doxies said...

Hehehe...ya'll lives near a place called BATH...hehehe...I don't do baths.
What a gorgeous place to gets to visit. Those are some freakishly large balloons.
Dat was such a fun tour ya'll tooks us on. I needs to put dis on my "Places To Visit" list.


the teacher's pets said...

Because of the media coverage of the upcoming royal wedding I have been nostalgic about England and Wales; I visited in 1988 and miss the charm and the history and hope to visit again! I still cannot get over the fact that your parks are so much more green and clean than the ones in the states! Very beautiful pics!

Adien Crafts said...

Hi all, Isaac those squirrels are devious, I tell you! Puddles, I'm sure you'd enjoy a visit - they have ice cream there too! Hi Teachers Pets! It's greener because we have a lot of rain of course!! D & L x

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We loved your tour!!!!!!!! Mama loves your part of the world so very much....she lived in Ireland for a year while recuperating from 2 years where she had several surgeries and complications. We stayed with our human sister while she was gone. We're so happy she's back with us, but she will always wish that we could ALL be in your part of the world.

Love from all of us.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dex & Louis... You and I have soooo much in common... even if we are across the pond from one another.
YOU have evil Squirrels!! I do too. Do you have chipmunks? How about Rabbits??
Now I think you live in a BEAUTIFUL place. THANK YOU fur showing it to us!!!
I live in the state of OHIO and guess what???? About 17 miles from my house... is a town called..

SOMERSET !!! Yep there SURELY is! See? Squirrels and Somerset, a LOT in common, don't you agree.
BUTT I would not want to LIVE in the Bath. hehehe

TimberLove said...

Loved the tour, thank woo! Certainly pretty there~play bows,


Bailey Be Good! said...

Wowserzzz! Look how GREEN that grass is! And there's so MUCH of it! I wonder if our backyard is no longer as green, because I've dug so many holes? Hmmmm...

Woofs & hugs,


Leigh said...

Loved the tour - great park for exploring. Maybe I'll try and get something about our home ground soon with some pictures like yours. Magic xx

George The Lad said...

Thanks for showing us around, I myself have not been to Bath but Mom has, shes loves it, she has climbed to the top of the Abbey!!
I look forward to you showing us more ;)
See Yea George xxx

Unknown said...

Oh, look at all that green grass to run around on! I could do zoomies all day long there! And there must be lots of squirrel chasing...seems you got pretty close to that last one!
Cairn cuddles, Oz

Rebecca said...

Love all the pictures Dexter, and very informative! Nothing that old here in Indiana, USA. You're super lucky. Have fun dodging noisy "things".

Adien Crafts said...

Thank you all for dropping in, it would be great if you were all here in person! SAS we've never been to Ireland but would love to, Frankie - fancy living near Somerset, would love to see a photo of that! Bailey we loved your video of you digging holes, Magic, it would be great to see some photo's, George your Mum is very brave, our human is terrified of heights so no climbing the abbey for her! Oz, we lurve doing zoomies and Rebecca we imagine Indiana having lots of gorgeous wide open spaces? D & L xx

Juno said...

Dexter and Louise, we agree! it's been amazing to meet new friends from all over the world and we absolutely love it! We enjoyed reading your post and looking at your beautiful pictures... Our humans love history. It's interesting to see the park which was opened by Queen Victoria. Do you know she had a cavalier boy like me Pinot? :) We actually posted about her doggie so please come by when you have a chance. :) :)

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi there Dex & Louis!

What a Pawsome park that is! So much green grass. I love grass. It is great to roll in.

I live in Southern Oregon. I live on lots of acreage in a forest on top of a mountain!

But I NEVER get to run around in my grass yard without my leash on. Why? Because we have Hawks and Eagles and they come right down and steal little dogs away into the air. My furiend Tincy a Dachshund was taken away right infront of her Mom by a big Eagle.
Mom NEVER lets me run naked, but I think that is OK with me!

I really look forward to seeing more about where you live!

woo woos, Tessa

Adien Crafts said...

Thank you Momot and Pinot - we were worrying about that! We can imagine her with a handsome cavalier, will definitely drop by to read about it! x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Thanks for showing us around. It looks like a beautiful park. SHE has been to it, but didn't see any of those scary balloony things. Bet they were glad you were to warn everyone.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

We love to eat the duck's bread, too.

Duke said...

Wow! You live in a beautiful spot, Dex & Louis! We live in Connecticut, USA!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Sure does look beautiful around there. :)

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, that is a lot of grass! You are so lucky to live in such a lovely place. I live in Chicago in the US, but we are trying to sell our building and move outside the city. We are not having much luck yet, but we are not giving up!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

How lush and green. We kind of have somethinhg in common. We live in Seattle Washington and all the rain makes it lush and green around here too.

Peggy Frezon said...

That is an awesome park, looks huge! Thanks for the tour. My book is being published by a company in Dorchester. I am in New York. Have you been to the U.S.?

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

My pawrents (Australians) said that they have been to that park (on their trip overseas to get married) and were photographed in front of that curvey building. A beautiful part of the world mum says. I like the look of those big parks and expansive lawns.

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

FiveSibesMom said...

What wonderful places you have to walk! Thank you for bringing us along!

WFT Nobby said...

We always love reading about the places that our dog friends visit, especially the parks. My owner Gail says she once lived in your part of the world (well, Bristol anyway) but as a student, in her 'pre-dog' days.
Toodle pip!

Monaco said...

an amazing park, I would help you barking at those noisy things, but only when there is no squirrel around. I love squirrels but never catched one...

Anonymous said...

Great place you live in! I kind of would like to go ride in one of those pretty people balloons ;)

Thanks for the cool tour!

Dove said...

That park looks FABULOUS!!! And dog safe!
What a great place!
That is one bug balloon!!! :D

OscarBlogger said...

The Royal Crescent looks amazing - and look at all that grass! That looks like a great place for a good long walk.

Suka said...

hey Dex and Louis,

Thanks for taking me along on your amazing walk! You sure live in a beautiful place! My human has never been to England, but her sister went for the first time a few months ago and spent a day in Bath. My human researched all the history with the Romans in Bath. Very cool! You are surrounded by so much history! The Crescent looks beautiful!

That is very interesting that an 11-year-old Queen opened a park. Good for her! Maybe only children should be Kings and Queens. ;->


p.s. Cool balloon. But yes, very noisy!