Saturday 23 April 2011

Mad Dogs and an Englishwoman

Hi all,Louis here. Well it has been the hottest day of the year so far and what do we do? Go to the beach, go to the nice cool woods, crash out on the human decides to go dog training and that meant I had to go too.Our training field is a nice big paddock behind the vets (yikes!) - it's surrounded by fields of horses either side, I'm not bothered but some of the other dogs don't like and tell them so! This is one of my best friends Brue, who I travel with every week, he's a Novia Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, at least he says so but I've yet to see a duck! This is me with him, I know - I need a trim, well I've had it now, this was a while ago:
Louis and buddy Brue
 My human instructs the puppy class so I had to sit in a crate and watch the goings on., at least I was outdoors and had lots to drink. They had 2 new dogs in the class today, not really puppies but young Boxers who had just been rescued from a puppy farm, they'd had lots of puppies each and were just money making machines (so my human said). Everyone welcomed them, they'd had NO training whatsoever, never even been in a house before. They were called No.26 & No.27 - how awful is that? They are now Zena and Gracie and I'll get the human to post a photo next week. The class did basic stuff like heelwork and stays but then started some weave pole training afterwards, the owners were soooo excited and are all going to buy their own now.
Anyway, here's another training pal, called Buzzard. He's a German Shorthaired Pointer, we're looking a bit miserable here but then we are doing something the human calls a sit stay:
Louis & friend Buzz
 My turn to strutt my stuff in the training field and I did okay today, although I was just too hot to put a lot of effort in, just enough to make sure the treats and praise kept coming.  Plenty of water breaks made sure it wasn't too bad although I noticed the big Husky didn't come this week - far too hot for him I imagine! This is our down stay, hee hee the black lab next to me stuck his botty in the air and wouldn't lie down:
Li'l Louis second from the right!
 As you can see I'm the smallest there but I do have the biggest mouth so the human tells me!! Have a great Easter weekend all, I'm off to check on Dexter - lucky so and so got out of training and went on a lovely field walk. Bye for now Louis x


The Daily Pip said...

Looks like you have some smart puppies in that class! I was adopted when I was 4 so I missed out on puppy class. Happy Easter!

Your pal, Pip

Oskar said...

Louis, you're a terrier, and a mini schnauzer terrier, to boot! Of course you're going to be the sassiest. It's what we do, BOL!

Nubbin wiggles,

Adien Crafts said...

Pip it looks like you landed on your feet with your adopted family, and are soooo right, that's what keep telling her!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY that they are no longer in a puppy mill and that they now have names......have they found loving forever homes?????????


Adien Crafts said...

Hi SAS, yes they've both gone together to a very loving home of people who've had Boxers before, they will be very well cared for so a happy ending this time x

Suka said...

hey Louis,

You look pawsome in your training photos! I bet you will be Best in Class! But dog training in an open field on a hot day sounds rough! Your human should have been following behind you holding up an umbrella to shield you from the hot sun. ;->

Yay to Zena and Gracie getting wonderful new lives! What a happy ending to their heartbreaking story. And your fur-friends Buzzard and Brue are good-looking pups!

Have a wonderful and fun Easter! Hope you and Dexter get a dog bowl full of lots of yummy Easter treats!


Adien Crafts said...

Hi Suka! Well luckily she didn't make me do any walking and kept pouring water on me - I told her I didn't want a shower! You have a lovely Easter too! xxx

Kiyi Kiyi said...

Looks like you have nice weather! It is very cold and rainy here = MUD!
Can't wait to see pictures of the boxers :)

Elaine Pritchard said...

At least you were only in a training field BEHIND the v.e.t.s (double yikes!). I got tricked into going INTO the v.e.t.s today by my lot for my annual booster. But I was brave - so it was OK in the end.

The class looks really well-behaved. But I love the black lab with his botty in the air. I think he just wanted to be noticed.

Glad the boxers were welcomed in. How awful to be just a number.

Fancy being called a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever too. Brue is much easier to say - and he's VERY handsome.

Love and licks, Winnie

JD and Max said...

Hi Louis - we're getting a bit alarmed by how good and clever all you pups are out there in blogville, the humans are gonna rumble us soon at this rate!!

Well, of COURSE you're the loudest! Us schnauzers have so many interesting things to say is all!!

We hope you're having a great Easter - but isn't it HOT?!?!

Schnazuer snuggles - JD and Max.

Adien Crafts said...

Hi JD & Max - from what we've read you're getting your humans very well trained - hee hee! Respect to you both! Boy it is hot, we've just been crashed out all night, Dexter's snoring too, have a good day tomorrow, D & L x

Dove said...

Yeah the weather at our place isn't so FABULOUS either.
You look great with you friends! I LOVE play days!
Behind the VET!!! Did you know v.e.t stands for Very. Evident. Torture!!!

Rebecca said...

Wow good job Louis! Maybe Leloo could get some pointers from you!

Unknown said...

Hi Louis,

It's nice to meet you. Thanks for dropping by.

I remember those puppy class days!!! They were quite fun in terms of meeting new doggies, but doing sit-stays, no wonder you are miserable!!


Sagira said...

Look at all those smart pups! You sure look cute with your friends. :)

Bailey Be Good! said...

Wowserz! An outdoor class! I have yet to have one of those. :)

Woofs & hugs,


Anonymous said...

A puppy class what fun! And held on such a beautiful grassy field :) I bet you provided an excellent example of proper behavior Louis :) Good job keeping the other students in check with your verbal cues ;)

Waggin at ya,

Ruth said...

Happy Easter!

Dandy Duke said...

Hi Dexter and Louis! Thanks for stopping by our blog. You guys are sure cute!
Happy Easter to both of you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi there!!!! Thanks for all your nice and cool comments on my bloggie!! My silly human has only just found yours! We are gonna so look forward to readin' all about ya!! I love readin' bout my fellow mini schnauzers!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

laughingwolf said...

my friend in ft.worth, texas, had two min schnauzers, til one died, earlier this year :9

i had to put down my sheltie, at 19 months, in early january,when he could no longer walk, or even stand, unable to eat, would blow bubbles into his water bowl [and not drink], unable to poo/pee... all from complications with heart murmur, liver shunt, and more... i still tear up remembering that sweet guy :(

will get another pal after i move to new place...

Adien Crafts said...

So sorry Laughingwolf, you did the kindest thing which I'm sure you know but it doesn't make it any easier does it? Good idea to wait until you move to get a new pal, look forward to hearing about it, take care x

Anonymous said...

Hey there Dexter and Louis! Nice to meet you both! Thanks for visiting my blog.

I sure am happy to be furiends with such handsome fellows!

I like doggie training cause I gets to visit with furiends before and after!

I am a Registered Service Pup for my Mom!

Hope that you both got some good nommies for Easter!

Hoppy Easter!

woo woos, Tessa

tweedles said...

Hi cuties
thank you for visiting me,, I hope you come back.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter.
Can I come to your training class?
My moms say I need HELP DESPERATLY


Unknown said...

lol.... I love that pic of the lab with his butt up in the air!

Looks like you're learning lots!! Keep up the great work! =)

~ CJ and Jasmine