Hi Guys!
Hope everyone's doing well, is everyone looking forward to Easter? Every year we try but never get to share the Easter Eggs, SHE says they're bad for us but not even doggy chocolate ones, I think we're being deprived!
Anyway, the Popster has found a new walk for us, it's not far from the V-E-T (where Louis was last week by the way with a poorly tummy) so we have to hope on the way that we're off for a walk and not in THERE!
Here are a few photo's that he managed to take,
Hey Lou, lets get exploring!!! |
Come on, that's a stream down there! |
Dexter this is no stream, this is a river, I can see fishes! |
Dex I think you'd better move from there quick, and watch the electric fence! |
and a great field for a play too - this is a great walk!!! |
There are also a couple of little movies to go with this walk which we'll post next time, we have a hilarious one of Louis getting rid of some interlopers, thing was they were on their land not his lol!!!
Have a lovely week all, we'll be round to catch up on all your news, the Mom is working a lot so we're having to put up with blogging every couple of weeks but at least we can keep in touch with everything, Love to all, Dex and Lou xxxx