Hi all,
Well, Bonfire Night is here and it looks like it's going to be a long one. The fireworks started about 5.30 pm and are still going 4 hours later. Some of our friends in the USA asked what Bonfire Night was, well in a nutshell in 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up The Houses of Parliament, at the time the public lit bonfires in celebration of the 'Gunpowder Plot's failure and burned effigies of Guy Fawkes. Our Momster remembers being a child in the 1960's and going around town with a Guy Fawkes made of her Dad's old clothes stuffed with newspaper to ask for 'penny for the guy'!
Anyway, tonight Louis has been a little better. It was recommended he wear a tight coat as this makes him feel more secure and also SHE put the body wrap on him that she ordered this week. He stood like this without moving for ages, just his back legs shaking. Usually I am making fun of Louis but I did feel sorry for him.
I'm looking on a bit bemused by all the fuss over poor Louis |
Eventually she had to pick him up, he was like a wooded dog with his legs stiff as a board, and she put him in his travel crate which is dark and cosy but he can see out through the netting. This was after one loud bang which saw him nearly strangle himself when he shot round behind the PC and got the wire tangled around his neck! Anyway so far so good, he is in his den and is eating the odd biscuit that is passed through to him, so he's not as stressed as he was. We're thinking the celebrations will probably go on until about midnight as there are a lot of private parties so meanwhile they've turned the TV up loud and we're settled in for a long night.
As for me, I've been down the garden, checked out what all the fuss is about, the peeps think I may be deaf but I just think I'm brave ;-)
Thinking of all the other poor dogs suffering out there tonight, it will soon be tomorrow thankfully!
Dex and Lou xxx